Friday, December 10, 2010

It's all about....Him....


  1. Beautiful, Gretchen. Thanks for posting. Also thanks for all you have done to bring the plight of Saint Vincent's and the parish in general into the light. It's been a rough year, in many ways. Let's hope and pray for many blessings for the parish in the coming year.

  2. Nothing to say anymore- thoroughly discouraged as we prepare to celebrate Christmas. Wondering how many more times our family will gather for the Christmas vigil mass at Saint Vincent's. 1? 2? Still praying for our miracle.

  3. Priests with amazing talent, sure could use a few more on this side of the pond. Lay leadership, and I use the term loosely, has failed in this diocese. Keep up the prayers but buckle up, get ready to fight this thing is not over yet.
