Friday, October 29, 2010

Do they have faith in us?

Some talented parishioners have put together a video to present at Sunday's meeting. Here's a sneak peek:


  1. Very touching and who doesn't have fond family memories of Saint Vincent's but all this clip does is pull on the emotions. It doesn't change a thing. It doesn't pay the bills. What's the point?

  2. If you have to ask it's rather pointless to try and explain. Lay off a couple more parish staffers and there wouldn't be a problem.

  3. Who would you recommend that we hand the pink slip to? Everytime there is a staff cut, it is crippling. You people whine that there aren't enough programs and then you want staff cuts.

  4. I would like to see the staff salaries posted- including music ministries.

  5. Sorry- none of your business

  6. And my money is none of yours.

  7. It seems there was no problem cutting staff recently. Let's begin again with you and then watch you switch sides and change your tune. As far as posting salaries, that would hurt "you people" giving out too much truth.

  8. One of the parish's I worked for actually did something like that. They posted what was budgeted for each area in the parish. I worked in youth ministry so my salary AND my budget, AND my benefits, was reported there. I had to answer some questions from parishioners like "Do you really only make about $32,000 a year." I replied, "No, I actually make about 21K, the rest is my budget and benefits package." Needless to say, the next fund-raiser for the annual mission trip went very well. :)

    And, frankly, it is the parishioner's business for they are the ones that ultimately give their financial support that made my job possible.

  9. Mary..I agree with you. There is a cover-up here. If there wasn't, the information would have been posted long ago to quiet us. When your kid(s) are on the payroll, you'd rather keep it quiet.

  10. Okay, we've already been around the block on this...Josh is the only one who is paid for his musical abilities, and that is as the accompanist. Please keep innocent family members out of the discussion.

  11. Sorry, Gretchen. I'll back off. It's hard to just sit back and "take it" and be treated like we are the cause of all this. Is there any recourse to get copies of the financials?

  12. Well, they have provided some financials, they are on the parish website: They are by no means specific, and at the D&D Deacon Dean suggested calling or coming in to the office and asking Kathy Warner or Bill Cassidy for more detailed figures. You could try. Let us know if you have any luck.

  13. one parishioner tried and was told it was against "canon law" to release salaries....don't know what church they work for!!!

  14. You post your salary and then I'll post mine. Make sure yours hits the front page of the Leader and mine on the front page of the bulletin. Again, it's really none of your business and has little to do with saving our parish.

  15. Mine is Social Security 714 per month....look what we could save without a YM who has no ties to OUR PARISH...parents would be more than willing to gather teens and inspire them...your turn now....what do you make???

  16. The attack on Cory here is infuriating... what did he do to you? He is only trying to do some good in our community and for our kids. It is not his fault that this mess was grandfathered in with his position.

  17. Yes, can we refrain from innuendos? Believe me, all our emotions are running high right now.

    The best thing we can do is get to the truth. We've decided to lengthen the dialog time tomorrow, so parishioners have more opportunity to share their views and to ask questions.

    It seems pretty evident that the parish staff/councils are not going to listen to the parishioners. We need to move forward in the work of saving SV and our parish.

    Save St. Vincent's, save the parish. Lose St. Vincent's and the parish will be irrevocably divided, regardless of who is the youth minister.

  18. 10:37- You are right, leave Cory out of this. He inherited a mess. It's not necessarily his fault that most of the kids aren't coming.(mine included) Kids are busy these days. It is hard to make the teams, it is hard to keep the grades up, competition for college is tough. They have many other committments. He will have to build a really strong program to get these kids back. He will also have to be a person that the kids trust and respect. These qualities are not a given.


  19. Chris- Please explain to me when sports, school and extracurricular activities became more important than faith? If this is what parents are encouraging, no wonder kids have lost interest. Maybe the faith crisis is not with our youth, but with their parents. Something to think about as you're driving to the ballgame.

  20. Sorry, but Cory did not inherit a mess. The youth program was finely tuned and well attended. It was flourishing and had been for years. Someone chose to stir it up. As with any change of leadership, a trust needs to be established. You can't walk into someone else's footsteps and expect everyone is going to pick up and follow after you. It just doesn't work that way..not with leadership of the church or leadership of the youth. So the entire parish is affected by personal decisions. Cory, I wish you were able to come to grips with this. Nobody hates you..I don't..I feel sorry for the position you have been thrown into. Try to be your own man; not someone else's and things might go better for you.

  21. 11:55am- I am assuming you do not have children and do not face the struggles parents have today. Kids do not live in the same world we grew up in. Everywhere you look kids are competing against each other for positions on the field, in the band, on the stage, for scholarship money, on and on. Finding time for church activities can be a challenge. But on the other hand, kids always find time to do the things they love- texting, movies,going for pizza, x-box. They will decide what is most important. If they want to be involved in church activites, they will sacrifice some of their time. An hour a week for youth group is not a big deal but they won't make this sacrifice unless they get what they need out of it.

  22. 1:33 pm..let me tell you a fact. When a tragedy hits home, the ballgame, pizza, movies, texting, etc. don't matter any more. Then everyone is praying like crazy to Faith kicks in and if He has gone by the wayside in your life up to that point, then Heaven help you. I don't believe anyone is asking our kids to "give it all up" but going to Mass weekly and an hour every week or 2 for youth group is not asking too much...if you want real satisfaction, squeeze in a Rosary or 2 and see how things begin to fall into place.

  23. I don't think anybody ever said that the ballgame, the pizza, the movie and the texting are more important than God but rather that the kids are conditioned to feel this way. Their culture supports this. We adults are no different. Life gets in the way. Yet, when tragedy hits, we hit our knees. We have our "come to God" moments and we have our "where are you God?" moments. 'Tis part of the journey.

  24. I remember when 2 of our teens were killed in a DUI accident a few years ago. The teens all gathered to grieve, to pray, to console each other and to honor the 2 who passed. A couple weeks later, many of them were out partying again. Hadn't learned the lesson. My point- faith does not come easy. Sometimes it takes a lifetime of lessons. Yet, God waits and He continues to offer. Don't give up on the kids who think their games or their friends are more important than their faith. Don't condemn them. Show them the Way. Pray for them.

  25. Amen. The best example we can give our youth is to come together to restore All Saints Parish.

  26. No, to Save Our Parish.

  27. I wasn't trying to make anyone defensive(3:15pm). I was a kid a long time ago and had my priorities all mixed up too. I wish I had given more time and attention to my faith, I was a Sunday Catholic with a little religious ed as they called it then. I pray for our youth everyday that they make time for God in their lives. It all starts at home. I could have done much better with my own kids. What influence do you make on your kids?

  28. This Whole entire event would not be an issue if a single PRIORITY and TRUST in GOD was in place. At CHURCH, the MASS is what is celebrated. Does anyone know the SIGNIFICANCE of it anymore? There arent enough people attending "mass" or are involved in the church itself, which is a direct reflection that the TRUTH of the SPIRIT is not filling hearts. Because it is not THERE. The Catholic Church here seems to have become so political that Many have lost the focus on what TRUTH is. It is JESUS. The bible warns the "lukewarm". You are either FULLY WITH HIM or against HIM. I wonder how many people areleft that are FULLY with HIM ALL TIME. You can be fully with HIM in sports, band, etc., But when you only attend Mass once, or twice a year, you cannot be a true follower. Go back to the commandments. THeose who "Keep my commandments will be MY POSSESSION." We all need to take a step back, and reevalute WHY we are even at this crossroad. Saving the CHURCH of St. Vincent's will be attained after many begin to ATTEND, and become filled with the FAITH of Children again. If we TRUSTED GOD with our finances, we would be giving the 10% asked, and payroll wouldnt be an issue, nor would paycuts, and layoffs. We live WAAAAAY outside our means, and therefore DO NOT give to the church as we should. That is an issue in and of itself. Much to think about and pray about. What is the REAL reason for saving this church if it is not the intention and acknoweldgement that an increase in FAITH and spiritual growth be the main direction of EACH parishoner. Lets not loose sight that we shouldnt be "loving" our church more that we love our
    FAITH, which then turns over a new leaf entirely. God Bless, and I pray for this parish and that St Vincents also be kept safe from destruction. Physically and spiritually int he parishoners.

  29. Sorry's not your fault the mess you were hired into...I should not have taken my anger out on the "new kid on the block"...please accept my apology and wish you well....An Ole Timer

  30. I'm sure Cory is in a bind here. But if he ever decides to jump ship, we're here to give him a hand to get through it. Hmmm..we just had to do that recently it seems.

  31. This all started with a video made by a concerned family and it turned into a mud fight. To answer the very first comment, yes the video plays on our emotions and no it may not help pay the bills. However, sometimes we have to remind people of what the Church means to us in order to get them to act. VISION without ACTION is NOTHING but a DREAM.... ACTION without VISION is a NIGHTMARE!!!!
    Saving our Parish has a vision and is asking people into action. Our council has jumped into action without a clear vision. I used to say that I did not care if St. Vicent was sold as long as someone will show me a long-term strategic plan to ensure the viability of our church campus. I have not seen or heard anything from them only that "this has to be done" and that is that.
    Do not condemn those who are emotional about this, at least we know where their heart is.

    PS. One more thing for all bloggers... If you feel strongly about the material presented here, whether in favor or against, you should not hide behind the title ANONYMOUS
