Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Catholic Roundup

Pope makes plea to spare life of Troy Davis. I love our Papa!

Cardinal Piacenza on women priests, celibacy and the power of Rome. This is one of the clearest explanations for the dearth of vocations that I've read. And then the cardinal gives us the remedy -- prayer, "intense, universal, widespread network of prayer and Eucharistic adoration that envelops the whole world, is the only possible answer to the crisis of the acceptance of vocations."

From the article:

"ZENIT: What about vocations? Would they not increase if celibacy were abolished?

Cardinal Piacenza: No! The Christian confessions in which, because there is no ordained priesthood, there is no doctrine and discipline of celibacy, find themselves in a state of deep crisis regarding "vocations" to the leadership of the community. There is also a crisis in the sacrament of marriage as one and indissoluble.

The crisis from which, in reality, we are slowly emerging, is linked, fundamentally, to the crisis of faith in the West. It is in making faith grow that we must be engaged. This is the point. In the same spheres the sanctification of the feast is in crisis, confession is in crisis, marriage is in crisis, etc…

Secularization and the consequent loss of the sense of the sacred, of faith and its practice have brought about and continue to bring about a diminution in the number of candidates to the priesthood. Along with these distinctively theological and ecclesial causes, there are also some of a sociological character: first of all, the evident decline in births, with the consequent diminution in the number of young men and, thus, also of priestly vocations. This too is a factor that cannot be ignored. Everything is connected. Sometimes the premises are laid down and then one does not want to accept the consequences, but these are inevitable.

The first and undeniable remedy for the drop in vocations Jesus himself suggested: "Pray that the Lord of the harvest will send workers into the harvest" (Matthew 9:38). This is the realism of pastoral work in vocations. Prayer for vocations, an intense, universal, widespread network of prayer and Eucharistic adoration that envelops the whole world, is the only possible answer to the crisis of the acceptance of vocations. Wherever such a prayerful attitude has a stable existence, one sees that a real turnaround is occurring. It is fundamental to watch over the identity and specificity in ecclesial life of priests, religious (in the uniqueness of the foundational charisms of the order to which they belong) and faithful laity, so that each may truly, in freedom, understand and welcome the vocation that God has in mind for him." [My emphasis]

Yes, as laity, we have a solemn responsbility to pray for the priesthood and vocations, and to encourage those who may have a calling. Today is an Ember Day (see here). Traditionally, it is a day to pray for priests. For more than enough reasons why, see article directly below.

Alberto Cutie is a jerk. Boy does this ex-Catholic priest conflate some issues!

Father Z's action item. Remember when the social justice mantra trumped abortion during the last presidential election? Those chickens have come home to roost. Time to write a couple letters.

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